Monday, March 20, 2006


“The thought of a new life
renders in me a warmth
unknown to mankind.
But the fear of the past,
Not letting go prods my heart.

The innermost desires fight
With the deepest fears
And alas! What comes out ,
In the end is fear.

A fear of being all alone
Without the loved ones.
A fear of not achieving
But the saying goes
‘Life moves on come what may’

I try to bring out the innermost desires
Let go of the deepest fears
And wait for the sun to rise,
A new dawn signifying
A new page in my life.

As a phoenix I’ll rise
Turning to ashes every fear,
Every hurdle that tries to stop me.

I wait for a new dawn……”


Krishh Raem said...

Welcome to the blogger world dude,
tht's a wonderful debut man,
simply Ingenous Opus,
great work,
one can have prodigious comparisons with this poem .
ny wayz keep postin

Manohar said...

Hi Kartheek,
Layout is nice now. Start blogging now. We are all eager to know your experiences.

Rani Manohar said...


Nice and motivating for the readers.I think I'll show it to my students and ask them to summarize it as a part of their modern poetry project.
Keep posting!

Sharkon said...

A nice poem ..
I can really feel every word of it now away from u guys.